Gift Certificates

Happy holidays everyone! Looking for a unique and wholesome gift idea this holiday season? Why not give the gift of Acupuncture, Cupping, or an Herbal/Phyto-nutrient consultation. I’m also very excited to be offering Needle-less acupuncture using Aroma acu-point therapy(AAT), a wonderful alternative for the needle shy, elderly or for your kids. Check out my new website, for a list …


Affordable Acupuncture

So, as some of you have already heard, I have a dream…a big one…and I want to tell you more about it! I want to have a Community Acupuncture clinic in the heart of Nyack. The idea behind a Community based model is first and foremost to offer the amazing benefits of acupuncture to more people and at a more …

Thai Green Lentil Soup

Lentils are one of the highest vegetarian sources of protein! 1 cup Green lentils-sorted and washed Cooked with 2 cups of water about 45 min on low heat.( if you use the sprouted lentils it’s less time-follow their directions) 1 cup of sliced shitake mushroom and 1 Tablespoon of crushed garlic-sauteed in 2tablespoons of coconut oil or grapeseed oil 1 …


Plunging fearlessly into 2016

“The bad news is that you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is there’s no ground”   ~Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Happy New Year! I can’t believe how fast January’s passing but I hope it ‘s all  gotten off to a good start for you and that your plans and resolutions are long lasting …

Why I meditate. Part II

So, last blog I shared my ongoing experience with meditation. I never realized before I started to learn about meditation that this mind we all have is really not all that we really are! And to identify and act blindly out of the myriad of thoughts and without having any idea about the contemplative arts like Chinese medicine, Meditation and …

Moving or Massage Cupping

Are Your Muscles Stiff and Achy? Massage Cupping or Suction therapy is an ancient art found in many cultures to relieve back, neck, shoulder, and other musculo-skeletal pain. Cupping has been a part of many cultures but also Chinese medicine for thousands of years and is practiced today by many acupuncturists and herbalists. The cups utilized are often made of …


Why I Meditate

I’ve been a serious meditator since 2005 when I joined a spiritual community with a mentor of Chinese medicine. With him and many colleagues I took on the practice with fervor and dedication. I practiced what is sometimes referred to as ‘just sitting’ practice. I just sat and watched the show of my mind. With the help of some very …

Delicious Gluten and Sugar Free Banana Bread

Mix 1/2 cup coconut flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda In separate mixing bowl, mix 6 eggs (or grind 6 tablespoons of Chia seeds and soak in 1 cup of water till thickens), 1/2 tbsp vanilla, 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup, 3 overly ripe bananas, 1/3 cup walnuts and pecans, 6 medjool dates soften in water. Mix wet …

8 Limbs of Chinese Medicine

The 8 Limbs represent the areas of one’s life that should be taken into account for maintaining a holistic, preventative lifestyle. They are listed in an ideal hierarchy—literally, what should be practiced regularly to maintain health before moving into more invasive methods to moderate or regain well-being. Here’s a brief overview. Meditation. By meditating we are able to connect with …