Happy New Year! I can’t believe how fast January’s passing but I hope it ‘s all gotten off to a good start for you and that your plans and resolutions are long lasting this time!
When we think about resolutions, goals, dreams and hopes for the future, it often can feel like its a daunting task as we realize that most times this means making a lot of changes, taking risks and jumping into the unknown. We have such an impulse to resist change that doing so feels like we’re not in control, and that can be scary!
But what if there was another way to approach life and development? What if we gave up needing to know how it’ll all turn out and had the faith of an innocent child who lives life with wonder and newness, always ready to jump in full steam ahead!
What I’m pointing to is a radically different way of living Life. This approach appreciates that whether you think life is good bad or indifferent, it is a process that is unfolding AND we are in charge of our destinies, if we so choose! That to me is inspiring and wholly positive!
I am incredibly grateful when I think of all that has happened to shape my destiny and inspire me to become an acupuncturist. For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. I read a book when I was 10 years old that impressed me deeply. Titled, Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss, it was the personal writings of a doctor whose life’s work was in treating patients with various forms of alternative medicines, herbs and lifestyle changes. He even claimed to have treated and cured cancer patients! But when he approached the American Cancer Association with his research and challenged them to work with him, they flat out refused despite his very promising success with these patients. It introduced me early on to the hardships and negativeness that are sometimes still felt about alternative forms of medicine but I was intrigued and hooked! Thankfully today, Chinese medicine and acupuncture and various forms of alternative medicine are being accepted more and more by mainstream society as a viable and integrative form of healthcare.
Today I get to treat patients everyday to the many benefits this art form has, and I will continue to forge ahead and share all that I’ve learned and continue to learn about this very diverse and dynamic medicine.
Email me if you have any questions: nancyafisherlac@gmail.com
Wishing you the happiest New Year yet!. May we all wake up to ALL that we are!
Comments 2
Back to Eden — it was my book all through High School and summers in Hawaii with my family. Jethro Kloss taught me so much about healthy living — completely forgot he was there. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and reminding me of some wonderful memories that may be useful now.
That’s so awesome and I’m tickled that I brought back memories Jordan!
Isn’t Kloss unbelievable!..I’ll never forget that book!